
World Smile Day

School: Cairo Ad School


Nike Contribution to World Smile Day, a celebration of the most beautiful curve a person can wear!

When we smile, it's like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, illuminating not just our own hearts but those of everyone around us. A smile is a universal language, transcending barriers of culture and language, instantly forging connections with others. It has the incredible power to light up our own souls, releasing a rush of endorphins that fill us with positivity and happiness. But its magic doesn't stop there. A smile is contagious; it ripples through a room, inspiring joy and warmth in others, creating a chain reaction of happiness that can brighten even the darkest of days. So, on this World Smile Day, let's remember the incredible gift we possess within ourselves and make a conscious effort to share it generously, for in our smiles, we find not only our own happiness but also the power to spread joy to the world.

This student campaign titled 'World Smile Day' was published in Egypt in September, 2023. It was created for the brand: Nike, by ad school: Cairo Ad School. This Content and Print media campaign is related to the Fashion and Sportswear industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 8 months ago by Common Sense and Coffee: Nader Emad Anbar.


Creative Director: Nader Emad Anbar
Graphic Designer: Youssry Amin


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