Wholsesome Tuesdays

Agency: Deepsense Digital Solutions


Step into the world of ITC Aashirvaad Soul Creations, where 'Wholesome Tuesdays' bring a spotlight to the nutritional symphony of our menu offerings. The brand encourages a voyage of flavors and well-being as they unveil the healthful wonders behind one of their signature dishes.
Every Tuesday, ITC ASC delves deep into the essence of a chosen creation, dissecting its ingredients to reveal the powerful nutrients and health benefits they offer. From the farm-fresh produce bursting with vitamins to the spices brimming with antioxidants, discover how each element contributes to a wholesome culinary experience.

This professional campaign titled 'Wholsesome Tuesdays' was published in India in December, 2024. It was created by ad agency: Deepsense Digital Solutions. This campaign is related to the Agency Self-Promo and Media industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 5 months ago by Digital Agency: Deepsense Digital of Deepsense Digital Solutions Pvt. Ltd..


Advertising Agency: Deepsense Digital Solutions, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Brand: ITC Aashirvaad Soul Creations
Brand Strategist: Anushka
Account Manager: Sumaiya
Copywriter: Anushka
Head Of Design: Ravi Kumar S
Video Editor: Santosh
Videographer: Anand K | Jaya Ganesh


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