
This campaign is for a brand that makes dog food from ingredients that dogs would have eaten in the wild. This includes protein sources like bison, deer, salmon, etc. The insight is that domesticated dogs still share DNA with their wild wolf ancestors. The idea is to show domesticated dogs amongst wild wolves, connecting with their primal instincts by doing activities ranging from hunting, to howling, to grooming. The digital idea is a website that has audios with different nature sounds themed to wolves daily activities, backed by frequencies that are scientifically proven to have a calming effect on dogs.

This student campaign titled 'Unleash Your Inner Wolf' was published in United States in April, 2024. It was created for the brand: Taste of the Wild, by ad school: S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. This Digital and Print media campaign is related to the Pets industry and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted 27 days ago.


School: S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Art Director: Ally Carter

Copywriter: Ally Carter

Instructor: Mel White


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