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Unhappy Ending

Schools: Miami Ad School Miami Ad School Madrid


Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights, primarily affecting women and girls, particularly when it involves sexual exploitation.

In Spain, it is estimated that approximately 45,000 women and girls are coerced into recruitment against their will. To expose this harsh reality, we have created counterfeit tart cards containing explicit and direct messages aimed at their potential consumers.

This NSFW student campaign titled 'Unhappy Ending' was published in Spain in June, 2023. It was created by ad schools: Miami Ad School and Miami Ad School Madrid. This OOH Outdoor and Print media campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 10 media assets. It was submitted 6 months ago by Art Director: Ilu Shilpakar of Miami Ad School Madrid.


Advertising Agency (School): Miami Ad School, Madrid
Art Director: Ilu Shilpakar
Copywriter: Guillermo Charro, Julia Villatoro
Educational Instructor: Álvaro Palma
Educational Instructor: Mariana Valderrama


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