
To me, with love

School: Southern Methodist University


Instead of waiting for a man to buy them nice jewelry pieces, we wanted to encourage women to get out there and buy what they want for their damn selves, without all of the baggage or dynamics that come with a relationship.

This student campaign titled 'To me, with love' was published in United States in December, 2023. It was created for the brand: Mejuri, by ad school: Southern Methodist University. This OOH Outdoor and Print media campaign is related to the Fashion, Jewelry, and Personal Accessories industries and contains 6 media assets. It was submitted 6 months ago by Creative Ad Student at Southern Methodist University: Roshan Gupta.


School: Southern Methodist University
Professor: Willie Baronet
Art Director/Copywriter: Roshan Gupta
Art Director/Copywriter: Morgan Martinez
Photographer: Abbie Biegert
Model: Vivian Hynes

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