Senac Rio

To be what you wanna be. Senac.

Agency: Binder

To be what you wanna be. Senac.


The Senac is a benchmark in professional education. It's an institution that for 78 years has been instrumental in transforming people's lives, offering a wide range of courses tailored to market demands. With presence in 30 educational units, 4 restaurant-schools, and 3 mobile units, the institution operates across various fields, providing training courses, technical programs, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, specialization, and distance education programs.

Challenge: Create a new concept that empowers students and rejuvenates the brand. We need to reach various audiences: individuals looking to change careers, advance in their profession, or simply start one.

Solution: We aim to create visually striking imagery that captures attention and reinforces our brand message. Instead of static poses, we'll incorporate dynamic movement, using unconventional angles to convey a sense of freedom. We've opted for images of people flying, representing the ease of transitioning or switching fields, rather than something burdensome, accompanied by various objects related to Senac's areas or courses. This visual representation embodies the freedom of choice and the diverse opportunities Senac offers for personal and professional growth. By featuring authentic individuals in our campaign, we aim to evoke feelings of hope, empowerment, and determination in our audience.
In total, there are twelve themes and "characters" representing our student audience and the areas of courses offered, presented with a light and inspiring tone.

This professional campaign titled 'To be what you wanna be. Senac.' was published in Brazil in April, 2024. It was created for the brand: Senac Rio, by ad agency: Binder. This Digital, Film, and Print media campaign is related to the Education industry and contains 7 media assets. It was submitted about 2 months ago by Senior Art Director: Tatiana Paes Rodrigues dos Santos of Binder.


Creative VP: Marcos Apóstolo
Creative Director: Leandro Euzébio
Art Director: Tatiana Rodrigues
Copywriter: Flavio Pinheiro e Alex Bitencourt
Head of Account: Eloisa Pinheiro
Account Manager: Eloisa Pinheiro e Tatiana Gomes
Strategy VP: Lucas Daibert
Media Director: Cláudio Romano
Media Planners: Nicoli Ribeiro, Mônica Moreno, Karielle Rocha, Fran Teixeira
Digital Head: Alex Paulo
Digital Creatives: Luana Buzato, Thamires Souza, Alexandra Freire, Katharina Ferri
Production: Gabriela Cardoso e Nathália de Freitas
Photographer: Rudy Huhold
Retouching: Raphael FS
Video Producer: Piloto
Film Director: Daniel Soro e Alexandre Chalabi
Film Photographer: João Jasmin
Audio: Sonido


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