Cristal AB InBev

The Non-Fungible Beer

Agency: VMLY&R


For the 100 years of Cristal Beer, we created 100 Cristal NFTs, which designs represented the most iconic parts of our history. All the NFTs gave to the people incredible benefits like tickets for music events and free beers.

This professional campaign titled 'The Non-Fungible Beer' was published in Peru in November, 2022. It was created for the brands: AB InBev and Cristal, by ad agency: VMLY&R. This Design and Digital media campaign is related to the Alcoholic Drinks industry and contains 5 media assets. It was submitted about 1 year ago by Associate Creative Director: Oscar Gonzales of Media.Monks.


Advertiser: Cristal Beer / AB InBev
Core Brands Director: Fabrizio Escalante / Diego Devoto
Brand Manager: Daniel Villarán / Natalia Ferreyros
Brand Lead: Fernando Salas
Brand Lead: Alexia Barragán

Advertising Agency: VMLY&R, Perú

CEO: Eduardo Grisolle
ECD: Tin Sánchez
Creative Director: Beto Noriega
Creative Director: Coqui Soto
Art Director: Sergio Márquez / Oscar Gonzales
Creative Copywriter: Florencia Luna / Luis Alburqueque
Graphic Designer: Percy Chávarry / Renzo Triveño
Account Director: Raúl López-Guerra
Account Supervisor: Brenda Ruiz
Account Executive: Isabel García
Production Director: Malena Mellado
Producer: Giselle Navarro
Video editor: Oscar Gonzales / Percy Chávarry
Audio & Music: Humanimal
Design & Illustration: RGB Digital Studio


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