The Catholic Church

The Apocalypse

School: Miami Ad School


A wake-up call for the world.
With the world suffering drastic changes, society is in dire need of a voice of authority to speak up, so we can realize the danger we’re facing. IDEA The Catholic Church is lending its voice with a simple purpose, remind the world what was once written and deemed as an exaggeration. We’re on our way to Apocalypse.

This student campaign titled 'The Apocalypse' was published in Germany in December, 2019. It was created for the brand: The Catholic Church, by ad school: Miami Ad School. This Print medium campaign is related to the Religion industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted over 4 years ago by Seine Kongruangkit of FCB Chicago.


Advertising School: Miami Ad School Europe, Berlin, Germany
Copywriter: Javier Granados Romero
Art Director: Daniela Cassis
Art Director: Seine Kongruangkit
Art Director: Harrison Hecht


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