
Sustainable Subscriptions

Schools: Miami Ad School Europe Miami Ad School


Gen Z has given up a lot for the climate, but they hesitate to sacrifice their streaming subscriptions - even though streaming accounts for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. How can we make Gen Z realise that streaming has a price, and not just a financial one?

Introducing Sustainable Subscriptions - A new way for Gen Z to stream guilt-free by allowing them to pay for their favourite subscription services and offset their CO2 emissions at the same time - all by selling stuff they no longer use on eBay.

This student campaign titled 'Sustainable Subscriptions' was published in India and Portugal in May, 2023. It was created for the brand: ebay, by ad schools: Miami Ad School and Miami Ad School Europe. This Digital and Integrated media campaign contains 5 media assets. It was submitted about 1 year ago by Art Director: Nidhi Shah of Miami Ad School Europe.


Advertising Agency (School): Miami Ad School Europe
Art Director: Nidhi Shah & João Parreira
Copywriter: Rag Brahmbhatt

International T...


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