
Ready for a career change?

Agency: CALLEN


Recent trends related to digitization and the future of work are unlocking new job opportunities in high-demand fields for people all over the world. As a result, more of us than ever before are now reconsidering what a career can look like. New work from global online learning platform Coursera, and creative agency, CALLEN, gives people a nudge toward educating ourselves for a better future.
The Coursera New Year campaign inspires and builds momentum around listening to your inner voice and celebrates the confidence gained from a great education.

This professional campaign titled 'Ready for a career change?' was published in United States in February, 2022. It was created for the brand: Coursera, by ad agency: CALLEN. This Film medium campaign is related to the Education industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted over 2 years ago.


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