Argyle Fine Art

Pre-Shrunk Art Show

Agency: Wunder


For 17 years Argyle Fine Art has hosted the Pre-Shrunk Show at their Barrington St. gallery. The main difference with this art show is that all of the pieces are really small. Artists from all across Canada contribute 4” x 5” original works to be featured in the show. So in the true spirit of the art show, we created a series of tiny billboards and little posters encouraging locals to visit the show.

This professional campaign titled 'Pre-Shrunk Art Show' was published in Canada in February, 2021. It was created for the brand: Argyle Fine Art, by ad agency: Wunder. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Recreation, Leisure industry and contains 11 media assets. It was submitted over 3 years ago by Creative Director: Stephen Flynn of Wunder.


Advertising Agency: Wunder, Halifax, Canada

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