

Agency: DDB Wien


The film Pandora has awakened in many people a longing for untouched and fascinating experiences of nature. But most have overlooked the fact that our "Mother Earth" is the most beautiful Pandora of all. We just need to look closely and rediscover this world of ours. This campaign is a call to do just that.

This professional campaign titled 'Pandora' was published in Austria in February, 2023. It was created for the brand: Greenpeace, by ad agency: DDB Wien. This Print medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted 11 months ago by Executive Creative Director: Thomas Tatzl of DDB Wien.


Advertising Agency: DDB Wien
Concept: Bianca Jenig, Vivienne Wintersteller
Graphic Design: Vivienne Wintersteller
Art Director: Mirjam Berger
Copywriter: Bianca Jenig
Creative Director: Thomas Tatzl, Andreas Spielvogel


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