Maharashtra Tourism


School: Miami Ad School


In 2023, one can’t say that Mumbai is just about old Victorian buildings, beaches, and nightlife. There’s more than just those. The city’s heart beats with music, art, and culture which is exactly what these posts aim to capture.

This student campaign titled 'MUMBAIया ' was published in India in March, 2023. It was created for the brand: Maharashtra Tourism, by ad school: Miami Ad School. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Hospitality, Tourism and Travel and Tourism industries and contains 8 media assets. It was submitted 9 months ago by Mayank Shewale.


Advertising Agency (School): Miami Ad School, Bengaluru, India
Art Director: Mayank S.
Copywriter: Mayank S.
Professor: Anand Vijayasimha, Vighnesh Jangle


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