Prefeitura de Nova Lima

Love Doesn't Take Vacations

Agency: ORO Comunicação


A family is preparing for a vacation: the mother is packing suitcases, the father is loading them into the car, and the son is gathering his toys. The family dog eagerly follows each action, excited about the upcoming departure. They all get into the car, and the mother asks if they've forgotten anything. The father checks the rearview mirror, confirming that nothing has been left behind. As they accelerate, the saddened son looks through the rear windshield of the car, witnessing their dog left behind, becoming yet another abandoned pet. This story would be absurd if it weren't a reality in Brazil. Every year, the number of abandoned animals increases, with the pretext of not having a place to leave pets during national holidays. According to the World Health Organization, in 2022, this number reached 30 million animals. To further address the issue, Bill 5,481/2020 was proposed, creating the "Green December" campaign dedicated to raising awareness against animal abandonment. Despite efforts made by the National Parliament, campaigns on the animal cause still receive limited space and investment. Therefore, we initiated the "Love Doesn't Take Vacations" campaign for the Nova Lima City Hall, where the scenario described at the beginning of this synopsis transforms into a video for social media with the goal of raising awareness and encouraging the reporting of cases to reduce these numbers. In less than 10 days, the content garnered over 1 million impressions, 300 shares, reaching 90% of the city's population.

This professional campaign titled 'Love Doesn't Take Vacations' was published in Brazil in December, 2023. It was created for the brand: Prefeitura de Nova Lima, by ad agency: ORO Comunicação. This Digital, Film, and Print media campaign is related to the Pets, Public Interest, and Public Utility industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 5 months ago by tiagomatte: Tiago of ORO.


Advertising Agency: ORO Comunicação, Nova Lima, Brasil
Production Company: Guerrilha Filmes, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Creative Director: Tiago Matte
Art Director: Paulo Soares
Copywriter: Nathalia Galvani


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