We can be Heroes

Let conservation not be a tale

Agency: Agencia Vena


Andean Bear

Peruvian Bat


This March 21st, we commemorate the International Day of Forests, a date designated by the UN to raise awareness among the population about the importance of protecting and preserving our forests.

Unfortunately, year after year, these good intentions remain mere words. Forest fires and the increasing deforestation are just some examples of how conservation becomes a mere tale.

That's why we launched "Let conservation not be a tale", a campaign aimed at raising awareness about this issue and preventing the new forestry law, which contravenes constitutional provisions and mainly affects the biodiversity of the Amazon. Together, let's make conservation a reality!

This professional campaign titled 'Let conservation not be a tale' was published in Peru in March, 2024. It was created for the brand: We can be Heroes, by ad agency: Agencia Vena. This Digital and Print media campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 2 months ago.


Agency: Agencia Vena, Lima, Peru
Creative Directors: Luis Leon, Dennis Kuoman
Art Directors: Luis Leon, Rodrigo Moreno
ONG Director: Fiochi Herrera



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