
It's in my nature

Agency: Dentsu Creative France





For over 90 years, STIHL has been developing tools for forest and green space maintenance, and supporting professionals in their work. However, the relationship between STIHL and nature professionals has eroded in recent years. The professions of nature professionals suffer from a real lack of valorization. Professionals love STIHL products but do not feel a real relationship with the brand.

How can we leverage the potential of social networks to rekindle the relationship between professionals and the STIHL brand? How can we create closeness with professionals?

We produced video portraits of 3 professionals of green plant spaces (Lumberjack, landscaper and tree trimmer), to reveal leur quotidien, en les laissant raconter leur vérité sur leurs métiers passionnants, sur leur passion et leur relation unique avec la nature.

For 24 hours, we walked in their footsteps and filmed them in their environment, on their work site, to follow the reality of their work, their exhaustion, their joys. No script, we built the films around the stories of the professionals, told through an interview. We adapted to their environment and working conditions giving the floor to make their daily life and their job known.

The result : three authentic, intimate and touching portraits in long formats broadcasted on social networks to increase the credibility of STIHL's approach, without compromising media effectiveness.

This professional campaign titled 'It's in my nature' was published in France in October, 2022. It was created for the brand: Stihl, by ad agency: Dentsu Creative France. This Content, Digital, and Film media campaign is related to the House, Garden industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 2 months ago by Dentsu Creative France.


Brand: STIHL France
Digital communication manager: Amandine Carrier-Buvat
Content and social Manager: Noémie Dumez Huguenin
Social & digital project manager: Marion Gonzalez
Prescriptor: Jean-Paul Mangione
Prescripteur: Maximilien Potignon
Prescriptor: Michel Guilloux
Prescriptor: Jérémy Laurent

Agency: Dentsu Creative France
CEO: Nathaël Duboc
Executive Creative Director & Deputy General Manager: Sébastien Zanini
Art Director: Rudy Bamberg
Copywriter: Marc Sinegre
Deputy General manager: Amélie Ozouf
Head of Strategy: Alexandra Servant-Rony
Strategist: Samuel Pain
Business Director: Anne-Laure Ollier
Project manager: Esther Granger

Production: OFFSET MEDIA
Director: Elias Sfaxi
Production Director: Sélim Doulain
Drone operator: Robin Collin
Sound Engeneer: Olivier Mur
Sound Design/Composer: Frank Woodbridge
Colorist: William Ferré


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