NSI Innovation

Innovation generates innovation

Agency: Atlantis


"Innovation generates Innovation" – this was the concept coined by Atlantis to promote the innovation segment of the NSI Group: NSI Innovation. The film illustrates how a major innovation spawns many others, underscoring the necessity of innovative thinking to create a better world for all. Just as physicist Albert Einstein did with his theory of relativity in 1905, which continues to inspire new innovations across various realms of human progress.

This professional campaign titled 'Innovation generates innovation' was published in Brazil in May, 2024. It was created for the brand: NSI Innovation, by ad agency: Atlantis. This campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 29 days ago.


Advertising Agency: Atlantis, São Paulo, Brazil
Global Creative Director: Sidney Araújo
Creative Team: Sidney Araújo, Samara Araújo, Isa Nassar
Client: NSI Groupe
VP of Energy and Innovation: Aurélio Souza
Filmmakers: Kelly, Kickstarter, Pixabay


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