
Dream On, Sound Off

School: Southern Methodist University


It always sucks to be woken up from a good dream. This campaign for QuietOn's noise-cancelling earbuds explores dream scenarios brought to an end by the sounds of the outside world.

This student campaign titled 'Dream On, Sound Off' was published on December 15, 2023. It was created for the brand: QuietOn, by ad school: Southern Methodist University. This Film medium campaign contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 6 months ago.


School: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
Art Director/Copywriter: Ethan Jones
Art Director/Copywriter: Atenas Vijil Asfura

Director: Sarah Kachelhofer
Director of Photography: Oscar Renova
Lighting and Camera: Sarah Kachelhofer, Alexa Derryberry, Aiden Davis
Editors: Sarah Kachelhofer, Atenas Vijil Asfura, Ethan Jones
Featured Actors: Amakaeze Okereke, David Burt, Aiden Davis

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