Colégio Nova Dimensão

Don't book this guest

Agency: EBM Quintto


Colégio Nova Dimensão launches the "Don't Book This Guest: No Room for Dengue Here" campaign to combat the spread of dengue fever. This initiative creatively transforms common mosquito breeding grounds into unwelcome "resorts" for these pests. Featuring visuals of bottles as an "Open Resort," tires as a "Standing Water Hostel," and plant pots as an "Aedes Hotel," the campaign aims to raise awareness and encourage the community to eliminate standing water. By highlighting these everyday items, Colégio Nova Dimensão urges everyone to be proactive in mosquito prevention, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for all. Join us in making our community a mosquito-free zone by saying, "No Room for Dengue Here."

This professional campaign titled 'Don't book this guest' was published in Brazil in May, 2024. It was created for the brand: Colégio Nova Dimensão, by ad agency: EBM Quintto. This OOH Outdoor and Print media campaign is related to the Education and Health industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 23 days ago.


Advertising Agency: EBMQUINTTO
Creative Director: Kendy Shirasu
Head of Creative: Michel Barba, Rodrigo Lima
Art Director: Luan Brito
Copywriter: Michel Barba
3D Illustrator: Pedro Huygens


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