
The government of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul created the State Program for Animal Life Protection Policies – MS Vida Animal, which aims to develop and consolidate effective public policies to protect domestic animals and abandoned animals, through the elaboration and of the execution of projects, processes, actions, indicators, goals and services offered to the population, with MS being the 1st State in the Central West to have policies for animal welfare, among them is the Caravan of Castration, which from 2024 onwards, will be present throughout the state of MS carrying out population control of animals, to avoid abandonment, mistreatment, suffering, proliferation of diseases (at endemic levels) among other consequences.

This professional campaign titled 'Caravana da Castração' was published in Brazil in January, 2024. It was created for the brand: Governo de Mato Grosso do Sul, by ad agency: Novo Engenho Comunicação. This Content and Film media campaign is related to the Health, Pets, and Public Interest industries and contains 6 media assets. It was submitted 5 months ago by Julio Diniz of Novo Engenho Comunicação.


Client: Governo de Mato Grosso do Sul
Agency: Novo Engenho Comunicação, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Art Director: Julio Diniz
Copywriter: Larissa Z. Gimenez
Account Executive: Cibelly Nunes
Project Menager: Junior Veazey
Planner: Ana Irala
Strategy: Rudi Aquino
Production Company: Óia Produtora, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Director: Giuliano Gondin


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