Samsung Galaxy

Capture the night

Agencies: Digitas Starcom


We wanted to go beyond merely selling a phone. We aimed to empower Generation Z to create amazing experiences. We bridged technology with the creativity of this generation, where the night camera becomes a means for authentic emotions. We created a space where technology and creativity intersect, enhancing real and lasting connections with the Galaxy S23.
In this landscape, we saw music as a bridge and technology as the language. To make the launch of the new Galaxy S23 and its stunning night camera meaningful for Generation Z, we merged music, photography, and artificial intelligence to create a unique digital experience in the world.

This professional campaign titled 'Capture the night' was published in Argentina and Chile in September, 2023. It was created for the brands: Galaxy and Samsung, by ad agencies: Digitas and Starcom. This Audio, Digital, and Experiential media campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 9 months ago.


Advertising Agency: Digitas, Santiago, Chile
Experience Creative Director: Fernando Goñi
Art Director: Javier Cortés, Nico Rudy
Copywriter: Elias Castro, Jaime Ramírez
Data Science & Engineering Director: Cristian Laiun
Data Analytic Director: Belen Karamukian
UX Designer: Julieta Pereira
Head of SEO: Paulina Molina
Media Digital Supervisor: Javier Pinto
Convertion and tech coordinator: Paloma Jopia
Film Production: Cueca Films
Film Director: Svante Oldenburg
Film Producer: Poli Sanhueza
Video caso Production. Mostro Squad
Video caso producer: Meilin Font


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