
Barkuterie Boards


Inspired by the clean ingredients in NUTRO ULTRA dry dog food, the brand designed the ULTRA Barkuterie Boards program to highlight the many dog-friendly superfoods used in its recipes while making it easy for pet parents to give pups the ultimate dining experience. Customized boards outline where to place proteins, canine crudites, fur-resh fruits, NUTRO ULTRA dry/wet dog foods and other doggie delicacies. Each board also comes with an instructional menu explaining how to build the perfect board your pup will love.
To encourage pet parents across the country to get in on the action, the brand tapped actress Haylie Duff (and her dogs, Birdie + Chicken) to announce the #ULTRABarkuterieBoards Giveaway. Through 9/14, pet parents can snap a photo of their dog enjoying a barkuterie board and either share the photo on Instagram or upload it to for the chance to win a virtual “eat-and-greet” with Haylie Duff and her dogs, as well as their own ULTRA Barktuerie Board and a six-month supply of NUTRO ULTRA dry dog. 100 runners-up get prizes too!

This professional campaign titled 'Barkuterie Boards' was published in United States in August, 2021. It was created for the brand: Nutro, . This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Pets industry and contains 5 media assets. It was submitted almost 3 years ago.

Eden Gen
Jawwy Tv


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