Norwegian Humanist Association

All Families Matter

Agency: Something Good


What decides when a family is normal? When the Norwegian minister of family affairs decided to remove the responsibility for equality from the ministry, the signal that was sent was that not all families are equal. A family should be judged by how they treat each other, not who they love. The Norwegian Humanist Association wanted to use their voice and speak out against this, and asked different families about their family values. See to the end.

This professional campaign titled 'All Families Matter' was published in Norway in February, 2019. It was created for the brand: Norwegian Humanist Association, by ad agency: Something Good. This Film medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 5 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Something Good, Oslo, Norway
Creative Director: Markus Lind
Art Directors: Mariann Lunde, Charlotte Blomsterpotte
Project Manager: Silje-Maria Markussen
Advisor: Mai-Bente Paulsen
Additional Credits: Red Ant

Akron Children’...


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